Doula Services

Birth Doula Support

Complimentary Connection Call: Let's start with a friendly chat to see if our energies align!

Two Prenatal Sessions: Together, we'll create birth intentions, covering comfort measures, the physiological aspects of childbirth, and mindset work to ensure readiness for birth and beyond. I provide unlimited love and support via phone, text, or email at signing and I’m on call 24/7 starting at 38 weeks.

The Big Day:From the onset of labor to the final stages of delivery, I provide continuous physical, emotional, and informational support. My role includes offering calming reassurance, guiding you through breathing techniques, providing comfort measures, as a reflection of the feminine. I provide immediate postpartum support including initial breastfeeding. I also offer birth photography!

One Postpartum Session: A safe space to discuss experiences, feelings, and any concerns, focusing on the emotional wellbeing of new parents. This can include baby care guidance, breastfeeding support, and postpartum recovery.

*I'm proud to offer a sliding scale fee structure, ensuring accessibility to my support services for a diverse range of individuals and families, regardless of financial circumstances.

Postpartum Doula

Postpartum Doula Support

The postpartum period is a significant chapter in a woman's life, filled with love, joy, intensity, and unpredictability. This is the most crucial time to attune to your instincts and call in the help that best supports you and your family. My postpartum offering includes:

  • Prioritizing your post-birth recovery, taking care of your physical and emotional well being. That means getting enough rest, eating well, practicing self care, using available resources, and checking in with your emotions and body regularly.

  • Assisting with your baby in adapting to life outside the womb and acquaint you with the fundamentals of infant care.

  • Creating a calm home environment, handling light chores, running errands, and preparing nutritious meals.

1:1 Offerings

In addition to birth doula services, I offer personalized 1:1 support for every stage whether you’re preparing for conception, navigating pregnancy, planning your birth experience or postpartum.